Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Joy at Work

I'm really enjoying these past weeks at work. It's been such a good feeling to get some important things done that have waited on the wings of a busy summer and fall. They're the building block type of things that have only mattered to me, making a difference in my art and writing business, and what a relief to finally have a day to take care of those tasks. I'm a methodical worker. I go from one completed task to another, which could be frustrating for some who like to multi-task, but if I know one job is completely done, then I can fully focus on the next one without my mind returning to the last, yet unfinished job. I strive for that peace of mind that comes from a job ticked off the list, crossed out, the door closed. I'll admit I am slow to accomplish things but it's worth it to gain that peace of mind. I love the doing the task, and love it when it's done.  

How does your mind work? Here is a short quiz you can do to find out, click on Idealist

We're not human beings trying to be spiritual. We are spiritual beings trying to be human. (Jacquelyn Small) 

Sunrise on the River

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